It`s heartbreaking to witness the desperate, unmet need for an Elementary School which could provide a solid foundation both educationally and socially, in a safe and stimulating environment. This type of foundation is most effective during the primary years when children are still impressionable and hungry for knowledge and social experience. And so it became our dream to see this school become a reality. The goal is to educate the whole child, providing hands on experiences to assist in developing social skills of friendship, empathy and other core values as well as academics. We truly believe a primary school will shape not only the child`s future but also the future of the country.

The funds we are raising are to build and furnish the above school structure. The school will include a cafeteria, which can serve as an auditorium, the school will teach Computer Science, (CS) and Co-curricular activities to the children. The school library will also allow hours for the community use, since there`s no available library for children in the community. The work has already begun! Will you help us to complete it? We are looking for a total of $100,000 and we`re encouraged by the support we have already received, but we still need help reaching our fundraising goal
A donation of $10,000 and more get a classroom named in your honor.
A donation of $100,000 and more get a school named in your honor.
A donation of $5 can not leave figure the same, and Every Little Bit Helps.
Target Date: October 2024